I have a conflict, both internally and externally-
Why can't players be, just players?
Why must it matter what league we play in?
Is there really a 'Sinister Agenda' brewing under our noses?
Ok, now lets put this rhetorical and philosophical, meaningless questions into practice. (All of the following is hypothetical)
Say we have a tournament series- call it the APPL and we have the NPL. My team plays the APPL as a serious, competitive team. However, I organize a team to play an event in the NPL, with a group of people from another team. Now, say that there is no conflict with any of the previous mentioned scenario. Still with me?
Lets throw in your variable-
the team captains and paint suppliers. Half of the team captains are fine with it, the other team captains are not. Then your paint suppliers tell you "hey, don't bite the hand that feeds. If you play that event (not even the whole series, just one event for fun) we're gonna cut you off."
Ok, now here's your reasons, the supplier doesn't like, even so much as hates, the people who run the NPL, because of past occurrences, and they told the team captains the same. So the team captains lock-down on the players.
It becomes a bad situation all around.
But the supplier doesn't understand, my team that I'm putting in has no 'sinister agenda', all that we want to do is play and have fun with the players that aren't on our same team. It's not about supporting a league they don't like. We don't care. It's all about fun.
But their hate, or dislike has blinded them, made them closed-minded, only lead them to see the negative and see the bad side of things.
Leave the politics, I'm just a player.
Another Kind of March Madness
9 years ago